Jump To Table of Contents | Inspirational/Things to Think About |
Notes On The Holy Spirit by Bro. Frank
Dearing {Used by permission.} |
{12 point loose-leaf version [.pdf & .doc]} {Updated February 15, 2025} For all those who know in their heart that the King James Version is the best translation ever compiled, but sometimes have difficulty understanding sixteenth/seventeenth century English. (FREE TO ALL) [Publish-ready 5"x8" (10 point font format) Paraphrase only Parallel] [Publish-ready 5"x7" (8 point font format) Paraphrase only Parallel] Sample12pt (loose-leaf version) Text-To-Speech format {.mp3 sound files (electronically generated)} |
Holy Bible {King James Version} On Line | Modern King James Version On Line {by J.P Green used by permission} |
Literal Version On Line .pdf version {by J.P.Green used by permission} |
The above graphic is a symbol I've used on various occasions since my high school years. The symbol consists of a circle for the everlasting God, Who was, and is, and is to be. The star of David represents the fact that the Messiah, the savior of the world was descended from the tribe of Judah and a descendant of David. The cross represents the price Jesus paid at Calvary for the sins of the world and the flame represents the Holy Spirit, our "foretaste" of heaven and Who lives in all of those who are believers.
I take no credit for the notes presented here. They are an accumulation of notes I have gathered together over the years from many sources. I have tried to give references for the notes to which I know the source. Most of these notes began as notes used in a study of the Revelation which I have taught numerous times since 1980 and a study of Genesis which I have also taught several times through the years. Most of the 'Inspirational /Things to Think About' are works that Susie has collected for me through the years from emails sent to her.
While these notes have come from numerous sources through many years of research, I'd certainly be remiss if I did not give a special note of appreciation for professor Arthur M. Smith of College Station, Texas and to the Aggie Bible Association for sponsoring his ministry and teaching during my years at Texas A&M University. It was through his tutelage that a seed was planted giving me a profound appreciation for the meticulous detailed accuracy of the scriptures. He was once asked whether he was ever bothered by people getting 'knit-picky' with the scriptures. His response was, "No, because when people get seriously 'knit-picky' with the scriptures, they'll come out believers every time!" To that, I would say a loud "AMEN" and "Blessed is the the Name of the Lord for revealing such things to mortal men." Although I've come a long way with the mathematics and computer analysis of scripture since those days, I've also reached another conclusion: Facts and figures will never convince anyone of the truth of God's word. People who refuse to believe, do so, not because of some supposed factual errors or problems with scripture, but because they don't want to believe in a Creator who will hold them accountable for the lives they live. Facts and figures are good to strengthen the faith of believers, but will never bring anyone to the Lord until he/she is willing to submit to Him and His authority.
The primary
goals of all of these studies are four-fold:
help each of us draw closer in love to our heavenly Father and His only
Son, our Lord Jesus Christ
2)To give us confidence in our
salvation through Jesus Christ
3)Faith and trust that our Lord is
in complete control
4)That every single letter and word of
scripture is important and
all will be fulfilled.
{See [A-12] Not A Jot Or Tittle Will Pass Away.}
It is my conviction that every letter of
the Hebrew Old Testament and every letter of the Greek New Testament is
significant and without error of any form. Both the Hebrew Old
Testament and the Greek New Testament are historically, scientifically,
and mathematically accurate in every detail. The notes presented in
these pages are by their very nature non-denominational. While I
personally am a member of the Southern Baptist denomination, I am
absolutely convinced that there are faithful, and unfaithful in every
denomination, and that in fact denominationalism itself is an apostasy
clearly condemned in scripture {I Cor. 1:10f}. There is only One basis
for salvation, and that is a personal
commitment to Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
As Romans 10:9 states:
"If you confess with
your mouth that Jesus is Lord,
and believe in your heart God raised Him
from the dead,
you shall be saved."
There is only one true
Church, and it consists of those of all denominations who have made a
genuine commitment to Jesus Christ {commitment does not mean to walk a
church aisle, it means to sincerely try to live for the Lord}.
There is also a false church, which consists of those of all
denominations who claim that they are Christians, but who have never
made a genuine commitment to Jesus. Jesus said that they will be
known by the fruit they bear. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit,
and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Biblical evidences of
salvation are given in the section entitled: Holiness of Living .
To know the difference between "good" fruit and "bad" fruit requires a
knowledge of scripture, because it is God, and God alone Who has the
RIGHT to say what is "good" and what is "bad."
<>< Hope to see you on the other side!!! ><>
Questions regarding these notes may be addressed to:
Bro. Sonny Stephens
email: sonny@thewordnotes.com
website at:
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Free Bible software:
E-sword: http://www.e-sword.net
Blue Letter Bible: http://www.blueletterbible.org
Bible Hub: https://biblehub.com/
Free Bible Search Software: KingJamesPureBibleSearch
Grace Publishers: http://www.sgpbooks.com
AV Publications: New Age Bible Versions
Publications: What's
Missing from Your Bible
First Amendment by Rev. J.W. White
Jr. {Used by permission.}
A Having A Personal Relationship With the Lord
A-1 How
To Become A Christian
A-2 Assurance For Believers
Holiness of Living-- Evidences Of Salvation
A-4 All
of God's Promises Aren't For Everyone
A-5 Holy
Bible vs New Age Bibles
A-6 Examples of Missing
Words and Verses of
Scripture in Modern
A-7 Who Changed The Scriptures?
A-8 Faith “of” Christ or Faith
“in” Christ?
A-9 Supposed Errors In The Bible {In Progress}
A-10 Luke 4:18-19 - Did Jesus Quote The Septuagint?
A-11 How Did Jesus Use
A-12 Not A Jot Or Tittle Will Pass Away Not A Jot Slides
[Combines all of the following: A11,B7,B1,B2,B3, B9,B5,B6,D8,D6,D5,G10,F8,G8,G9,
G4,G2,G1,C5,A5,A6,A7,A9,D7 {See videos below in Part H}]
A-13 Details, Details, Details - Paying Attention To Details In God's Word Details Slides
Part B Mathematics and The Bible
in Scripture? -- My best answer is --
because God put them
there and He doesn't make
mistakes. He wouldn't have put them there unless they were
important. Those who are willing to take the
time and the effort to study God's use of
numbers and codes will
receive a blessing for taking the time and
the effort to do so.
B-1 Use of Numbers In Scripture {Signature
of God}
B-2 Interesting Biblical Number Facts
B-3 Interesting Number Facts In Nature
B-4 Numerical Values of Hebrew & Greek Letters
Meanings of Hebrew Letters by
kuf | yod | teth | cheth | zayin | wow | heth | daleth | gimmell | beth | aleph |
(20) כ | (10) י | (9) ט | (8) ח | (7) ז | (6) ו | (5) ה | (4) ד | (3) ג | (2) ב | (1) א |
(400) ת | (300) ש | (200) ר | (100) ק | (90) צ | (80) פ | (70) ע | (60) ס | (50) נ | (40) מ | (30) ל |
tav | shin | resh | qof | tsade | pey | ayin | samek | nun | mem | lamed |
B-5 Equidistant Letter Sequences [ELS] {Bible Codes}
{Signature of God #2} [Hebrew Code]
Numbers Presentation .odp
B-6 Examples of ELS Bible Codes
Isaiah 52-53 Hebrew code showing "Jesus is My Name"
TruthisChrist.com | Isaac Newton Bible Code Research Society | Codes In The Bible Website |
LivingGreekNt.org - shows new research detailing gematria and numbers of Scripture.
TruthisChrist - shows new research demonstrating numbers of King James Bible found in no other Bible
Isaac Newton Bible Code Research and Codes In The Bible detail codes in the Bible.
Jesus in Genesis 1 by John Kostik - see other videos by John Kostik on YouTube.
B-7 World Time Line of
Biblical History [Normal full size pages in .pdf format] .doc format {2/4/25}
Time Line Of Biblical History {Small so that it will fit in most Bibles 5"x7"} .doc format
World Time Line
Presentation Open Office Presenter
.odp MS PowerPoint .ppt
Acrobat Reader
{See video below in section H.}
B-8 Brief
Chronology based on World Time Line of Biblical History
Part C Common Science Questions
C-1 Possible Dinosaurs In The Bible
C-2 The Great Ice Age and Global Warming
C-3 Brief Summary Of Scientific Evidence Against
C-4 How Old Is
The Earth? {Geochronology and Radiometric Dating}
C-5 How Long Was A
Day In Genesis?
C-6 Musical Planets
by Dr. Larry Mitcham {used by permission}
The Heavens
Declare The Glory of God -- God's Plan of Redemption in the Stars
C-8 The Earth Was Warming Before Global Warming Was Cool by Pete Du Pont
from the National Center for Policy Analysis
C-9 Facts About Viruses (Updated 4/3/20)
Creation Evidences Museum | Institute for Creation Research |
Globalflood.org |
Creation.com | The Shroud of Turin | Answers In Genesis | PowerStation.org |
Ark Discovery.com | Watchman Ministries - Ron Wyatt Discoveries |
Encoding DNA [short You Tube video]
[How Much Data can 1 drop (1 gram) of DNA encode - 433 petabytes]
[1 petabyte equals 1000 terabytes; 1 terabyte equals 1000 gigabytes]
[1 petabyte equals 1 million gigabytes] [1 ounce equls 28.35 grams]
{See B-5 Equidistant Letter Sequences [ELS] {Bible Codes}
- The Creator of living cells is the Author of the Bible!}
The Blood of Jesus {Blood on the wall above the Ark of the Covenant}
The Ark Encounter {Replica of Noah's Ark}
Red Sea Crossing
Location of Where the Ark of The Covenant Was Found
Supposed Location of the Temple in relation to the Dome of the Rock
Part D Notes On Genesis
D-1 Introduction to the Study of Genesis
D-2 Authors of Genesis {According to
D-3 Angels
Animals Have Souls?
D-5 How Long Was
Israel in Egypt? [See video: How Long In Egypt below.]
Also World Time Line of Biblical History above}
D-6 Number of Israelites Who Went to Egypt
D-7 What About The Nephilem? {Many modern translations incorrectly translate Nephilem as "fallen ones"}
D-8 Genesis 1:1
D-9 Abraham Genealogy
Part E Notes On
The Revelation
E-1 Introduction
E-2 Detailed
E-3 Seventy
Sevens -- The Numbers of Daniel
E-4 Can
Is Returning?
E-5 Armageddon
E-6 Time Line Chart
E-7 God's Holy Days A Study of
the Revelation (Contains
E-1 - E-9 and more in .pdf
Comparison of Gog Invasions in Ezekiel
38-39 and Revelation
E-9 Notes on the Rapture
Part F Notes on Matthew
F-1 The Magi and the
Date of Jesus' Birth
F-2 Does
Isaiah 7:14 Refer to a Virgin? - Yes!!!
Genealogy of Jesus
F-4 Disciples
F-5 Matthew
- Luke 21 Comparison
F-6 Recorded Miracles
in the Bible
F-7 Recorded Parables
of Jesus
F-8 What Day of the Week Was Jesus Crucified?
What Day of the Week Was Jesus Crucified [Short version]
F-9 Hanukkah
F-10 The Herods of Scripture
Part G Calendar Information
G-1 The
Prophetic Calendar
G-2 The
Jewish Calendar
G-3 Modern
Jewish Calendar
5708 C.E., 1948A.D. to 5860 C.E., 2100 A.D.
G-4 The
Reference Day Calendar / Holy Days -- 2021 AD- 2029 AD Explanation
Reference Day Calendar Day Data [1947 - 2100 A.D.] {text data for calculations}
G-5 Computer
The Numbers of Daniel, And The Modern
Jewish Calendar
G-6 Modern
{Gregorian} 1948 - 2100
G-7 Seven Year Series {Shemittah - Sabbatical Years}
G-8 Holy
Days {According to Leviticus 23-25} {updated 2/1/25}
Holy Days
G-10 Palm Sunday in OT and NT See Exodus 12.
{See video below in section H.}
Palm Sunday [Short version (6 pages)]
G-11 Kosher Symbols
G-12 The Berisheet Prophecy {65 minute video}
Outstanding! If you look at the KJP translation you will see that in my footnotes bresheth {here spelled berisheet} is correctly translated "in beginning" not "in the beginning" {Gen. 1:1a} and his notes on the Hebrew words bara {Gen. 1:1c} and eloheem {Gen. 1:1b} are in complete agreement. His statement that Jesus was 33.5 years old when He was crucified means that He had to be born on Rosh Hashanah not Christmas or the Passover. According to some traditions John the Baptist was born on Rosh Hashanah which I'm inclined to believe. I don't know of any tradition that has Jesus born at that time of year. That's not to say he's wrong, I'd like to know how he came up with that date {See F-1 The Magi and The Date of Jesus Birth}. My footnotes on Mathew 24 about "day and hour" are in complete agreement with his interpretation {Mat. 24:36j}. His notes on Daniel's 70th week of years is in complete agreement with my notes that Daniel's 70th week is determined specifically upon the Jews after the Times of the Gentiles {Rom. 11:25}. He goes by Archbishop Ussher's chronology {1650 A.D.} dating creation at 4004 B.C. rather than Dr. David Cooper's chronology {1939 A.D.}which I use. But in my chronology I explain where the differences in the two chronologies are and why, at least for the moment I go with Dr. Cooper's chronology. {See B-7 World Timeline of Biblical History} This in no way invalidates his assertion that the 7000 years of prophecy begins not with creation but Adam's sin! {For more information on the gematria and numerical values of the Hebrew letters see sections B-1 and B-4 above.}
Part H Videos
[.mp4 sound plus video of KJP Scriptures]
Live Bible Study .mp4 Video Recordings
The Name of the Lord on the Eastern wall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5WnvMKsg90
Part I - Just For Fun - Bible Word Searches
Part J - Miscellaneous
Sched 40 PVC Projector Screen
Windows PC computer Program: Mara-Time 5.0 <><
The first time the program is run a
message will appear that the Time Zone has not been set. Just
press OK, The default is set to -6 hours [CST]. You
can set the default Time Zone by selecting Set Program Defaults on the
main screen. {This program is currently compatible with Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, and Windows 11}
Notes on the construction of Mara-Time 5.0
program computed all the data for sections G-3 to G-6 above.
and was validated by Arthur Spier's book: The Comprehensive
The Julian Date calendar is a series of continuous days
since Jan. 1, 4713 B.C.
It is used by observatories and NASA for plotting courses of
planets, spacecraft,
etc. The Julian Date Calendar assigns successive days to each
rotation of the
earth on its axis.
The Gregorian Calendar which assigns months, days, and years is
a modification
to the old Julian Calendar which did the same. By decree of
Pope Gregory XIII
in 1582 A.D., Thursday, Oct. 4, 1582 A.D. {Julian day -- 2299159}
was followed by Friday, Oct. 15, 1582 A.D. {Julian day --
to re-align the calendar to the vernal {spring} equinox. This
change was
not adopted by England or the colonies until 1752 A.D. but is
used here.
This program accurately computes Julian dates, Jewish Calendar
Holy Days, and Gregorian dates for any date past, present, or
future with
following exceptions:
It is not accurate before Jan. 1, 1 A.D. due to the
multiplicity of
calendars and unknowns about their constructions prior to
that date.
The calculations for Easter are not valid before 325 A.D.
when the date was
was officially set nor for Christmas before 336 A.D when it was set.
The Jewish calendar calculations were privately made by the
Sanhedrin during
the years of the second temple. Those calculations were first
released by Hillel II in the fourth century A.D. A number of
changes were
made by the Sanhedrin after the crucifixion of Jesus which in the
of this author were deliberate attempts to draw attention away
Jesus' fulfillment of the holy days.
All Jewish calendar dates are based on Jerusalem time.
This program was originally written in BASIC in the late 1980's
and re-written in
Quick BASIC in 1993. In January, 2007 it was re-written in
Visual BASIC 5.0, in
2012 it was re-written in Visual BASIC 2010 to be compatible with
Windows 8 (and Windows 10).
Greenwich, England has been the home of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
since 1884.
GMT is sometimes called Greenwich Meridian Time because it is
measured from the
Greenwich Meridian Line at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich,
England. Greenwich
is the place from where all time zones are measured -- Longitude
Zero degrees.
Longitude Zero is sometimes referred to as Zulu {for zero} time
New moon times are based on Jewish calculations which use an
average time
for lunar months. In reality the moon speeds up when closer to
the earth
and slows down when further from the earth. This causes the new
moon times
to vary from actual observatory times. I hope to eventually show
both the
observatory calculations and the Jewish together as time
The first time you run the program, you will be told that no
'Default File Exists'
Click on the 'Set Defaults' button and click on 'Save Changes' to
create a default file.
{The default time zone is set to Central Time Zone [-6 hours].}
-- Updated February,
2019 -- Display issue resolved and GOLDEN YEAR added to display.
Questions concerning this program may be addressed to:
Sonny Stephens
Email: sonny@thewordnotes.com
Part K Inspirational/Things
to Think About {Mostly inspirational emails Susie and I have
received through the years.}
Jump To Table of Contents | Inspirational/Things to Think About |