Live Bible Study .mp4  Videos -  approx. 35 to 50 minutes each 
                    -   170 mb to 235 mb   

    01 Genesis    6/18/22 - 2/4/2023

    02 Exodus    6/10/19 - 12/17/19

    23 Isaiah      9/7/20 - 4/3/21

    42 Luke       1/6/20 - 6/1/20   

    44 Acts        1/8/22 -  6/11/22

    Palm Sunday in OT and NT  

           {Recorded 3/28/21}  [Note: Reference to Galatians chapter 4 should be chapter 3]

           [Second note: thirty years after the promise was Isaac’s 5th birthday

           so Isaac was born 25 years after the promise on the Passover]

    God's Holy Days  {A study of future prophecy and the Revelation - begun 4/10/21}

     World Timeline of Biblical History live presentation saved as .mp4  video file

    Heaven & Angels Lesson 10 and Ab 9     {Recorded 7/23/23}

    Not A Jot Or Tittle Will Pass Away {8/23/24}{In progress}