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Loose Leaf Version {8.5"x11.0" 12 point font format}      .doc

These files contain The King James Paraphrase Bible {without the King James in parallel} in Acrobat Reader  .pdf format.

Title Pages for the King James Paraphrase Bible          Bible complete  {11.5 meg}   Old Testament  {8 meg}   New Testament  {4.1 meg}  
          .mp3 sound files

          (   ) - latest update         2/4/21 - article "a" and "an" with "h" made consistent -  "a horse"; "an heir"  - if "h" is silent use "an"  - Merriam-Webster

Books of The Bible

Old Testament

01 Genesiskjpnm.pdf                (2/26/24)   

02 Exoduskjpnm.pdf                 (7/25/22)  

03 Leviticuskjpnm.pdf                (4/21/22)    

04 Numberskjpnm.pdf                (5/11/22)  

05 Deuteronomykjpnm.pdf        (5/15/22)   

06 Joshuakjpnm.pdf                  (5/17/22)  

07 Judgeskjpnm.pdf                 (5/22/22)  

08 Ruthkjpnm.pdf                    (5/30/22)   

09 I Samuelkjpnm.pdf              (11/3/23)  

10 II Samuelkjpnm.pdf             (11/12/23)   

11 I Kingskjpnm.pdf                 (2/26/24)   

12 II Kingskjpnm.pdf                (6/26/22)  

13 I Chronicleskjpnm.pd           (6/30/22)   

14 II Chronicleskjpnm.pdf            (3/20/24)   

15 Ezrakjpnm.pdf                         (1/23/24)  

16 Nehemiahkjpnm.pdf                 (1/27/24) 

17 Estherkjpnm.pdf                       (8/28/21)  

18 Jobkjpnm.pdf                           (7/19/22) 

19 Psalmskjpnm.pdf                      (2/22/24) 

20 Proverbskjpnm.pdf                   (7/27/22)  

21 Ecclesiasteskjpnm.pdf               (4/28/20)  

22 Song of Solomonkjpnm.pdf       (7/29/22)  

23 Isaiahkjpnm.pdf                         (5/1/24)   

24 Jeremiahkjpnm.pdf                    (8/22/22)  

25 Lamentationskjpnm.pdf              (8/30/22)  

26 Ezekielkjpnm.pdf                        (7/27/23) 

27 Danielkjpnm.pdf            (9/2/22)  

28 Hoseakjpnm.pdf            (7/30/23)     

29 Joelkjpnm.pdf               (11/7/21)  

30 Amoskjpnm.pdf             (9/5/22)  

31 Obadiahkjpnm.pdf         (7/2/20)   

32 Jonahkjpnm.pdf              (11/7/21)   

33 Micahkjpnm.pdf             (9/5/22)     

34 Nahumkjpnm.pdf            (9/5/22)    

35 Habakkukkjpnm.pdf        (7/2/20)   

36 Zephaniahkjpnm.pdf        (9/5/22)   

37 Haggaikjpnm.pdf              (9/5/22)  

38 Zechariahkjpnm.pdf          (9/6/22) 
39 Malachikjpnm.pdf              (9/6/22)    


New Testament

40 Matthewkjpnm.pdf             (6/21/24)   

41 Markkjpnm.pdf                  (6/21/24)   

42 Lukekjpnm.pdf                  (5/1/24)     

43 Johnkjpnm.pdf                  (4/9/24)    

44 Actskjpnm.pdf                  (6/21/24)   

45 Romanskjpnm.pdf            (4/23/24)   

46 I Corinthianskjpnm.pdf       (8/11/23)     

47 II Corinthianskjpnm.pdf      (11/22/22)   

48 Galatianskjpnm.pdf            (4/22/24)     

49 Ephesiansjpnm.pdf                 (4/23/24)  

50 Philippianskjpnm.pdf              (4/23/24)    

51 Colossianskjpnm.pdf               (5/2/24)   

52 I Thessalonianskjpnm.pdf        (2/4/21)    

53 II Thessalonianskjpnm.pdf       (8/21/23)   

54 I Timothykjpnm.pdf                (4/25/24)   

55 II Timothykjpnm.pdf               (8/3/19)   

56 Tituskjpnm.pdf                      (4/25/24)   

57 Philemonkjpnm.pdf               (5/2/24)   

58 Hebrewskjpnm.pdf       (9/4/23)  

59 Jameskjpnm.pdf           (8/7/20)   

60 I Peterkjpnm.pdf          (5/2/24)  

61 II Peterkjpnm.pdf         (1/14/22)  

62 I Johnkjpnm.pdf            (4/27/24)   

63 II Johnkjpnm.pdf            (2/25/21)  

64 III Johnkjpnm.pdf          (11/21/18)  

65 Judekjpnm.pdf                (8/7/20)  

66 Revelationkjpnm.pdf        (5/1/24)   


Appendix A - Recorded Miracles in the Bible                    Appendix E - Assurance for Believers    
Appendix B - Recorded Parables of Jesus                         Appendix F - Holiness of Living {Evidences of Salvation}  
Appendix C - Genealogy of Jesus                                      Appendix G - World Time Line of Biblical History           
Appendix D - How to Become a Christian                         Appendix H - Does Isaiah 7:14 refer to a virgin? - Yes !!   
Appendix I - Examples of Missing Words and Verses of Scripture from Modern Translations 
Appendix JL - Bible Weights and Measures       {includes the following}
     Appendix K: What Day of The Week Was Jesus Crucified?  
     Appendix  L: The Modern Jewish Calendar and Holy Days 

Appendix M:  How Long Was Israel In Egypt?  

Appendix N:  Fulfilled Holy Days - Appendix O: The Herods of Scripture

     Number of Chapters and Pages in Each Book

     Other Articles of Interest at www.TheWordNotes.com 

Appendices A-O