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These files contain The King James Paraphrase Bible {without the King James in parallel} in MS Word  .doc {10 point} format.

Note on MS Word documents: Through the years I have discovered that MS Word is not compatible with itself much less any other software. If a MS Word document is loaded into a different update of MS Word than what the original document was written, the page spacing will be off. Each update of MS Word has caused me innumerable hours of frustration over that page spacing. It was my hope that when the new .docx format came out that would resolve the problem, but it hasn't. If you load any of these MS Word documents, it is highly probable that you will have to adjust the page spacing, That is a MS Word issue that I have no control over.    

These files are setup as Publish Ready in 5"x8" 10 point font format.

Title Pages for the King James Paraphrase Bible       Bible complete   {13.5 meg}    Old Testament {9.2 meg}    New Testament  {4.9 meg}  

          (   ) - latest update   2/4/21 - article "a" and "an" with "h" made consistent -  "a horse"; "an heir"  - if "h" is silent use "an"  - Merriam-Webster

Books of The Bible

Old Testament

01 Genesiskjp10ptsm.doc            (2/26/24)  

02 Exoduskjp10ptsm.doc            (7/25/22) 

03 Leviticuskjp10ptsm.doc             (4/21/22) 

04 Numberskjp10ptsm.doc             (5/11/22) 

05 Deuteronomykjp10ptsm.doc   (9/22/23)  

06 Joshuakjp10ptsm.doc              (5/17/22) 

07 Judgeskjp10ptsm.doc              (10/20/23)  

08 Ruthkjp10ptsm.doc                 (5/30/22) 

09 I Samuelkjp10ptsm.doc           (11/3/23) 

10 II Samuelkjp10ptsm.doc          (11/12/23)  

11 I Kingskjp10ptsm.doc             (2/26/24)  

12 II Kingskjp10ptsm.doc           (6/26/22)  

13 I Chronicleskjp10ptsm.doc      (6/30/22) 

14 II Chronicleskjp10ptsm.doc   (3/20/24)  

15 Ezrakjp10ptsm.doc                (1/23/24)  

16 Nehemiahkjp10ptsm.doc       (1/27/24) 

17 Estherkjp10ptsm.doc             (8/28/21) 

18 Jobkjp10ptsm.doc                 (7/19/22) 

19 Psalmskjp10ptsm.doc            (2/22/24) 

20 Proverbskjp10ptsm.doc         (7/27/22) 

21 Ecclesiasteskjp10ptsm.doc     (4/28/20) 

22 Song of Solomonkjp10ptsm.doc  (7/29/22)

23 Isaiahkjp10ptsm.doc               (5/1/24) 

24 Jeremiahkjp10ptsm.doc           (8/22/22) 

25 Lamentationskjp10ptsm.doc     (8/30/22) 

26 Ezekielkjp10ptsm.doc              (7/27/23)  

27 Danielkjp10ptsm .doc            (9/2/22)   

28 Hoseakjp10ptsm .doc           (7/30/23)  

29 Joelkjp10ptsm .doc               (11/7/21)  

30 Amoskjp10ptsm .doc            (9/5/22)  

31 Obadiahkjp10ptsm .doc        (7/2/20)  

32 Jonahkjp10ptsm .doc            (11/7/21)  

33 Micahkjp10ptsm .doc           (9/5/22)   

34 Nahumkjp10ptsm .doc          (9/5/22)   

35 Habakkukkjp10ptsm .doc      (7/2/20) 

36 Zephaniahkjp10ptsm .doc        (9/5/22)  

37 Haggaikjp10ptsm .doc             (9/5/22)  

38 Zechariahkjp10ptsm .doc         (9/6/22) 

39 Malachikjp10ptsm .doc            (9/6/22)  


New Testament

40 Matthewkjp10ptsm.doc             (6/21/24)  

41 Markkjp10ptsm.doc                  (6/21/24)  

42 Lukekjp10ptsm.doc                   (5/1/24) 

43 Johnkjp10ptsm.doc                   (4/9/24) 

44 Actskjp10ptsm.doc                   (6/21/24)  

45 Romanskjp10ptsm.doc              (4/230/24) 

46 I Corinthianskjp10ptsmdoc       (8/11/23)  

47 II Corinthianskjp10ptsm.doc      (11/22/22) 

48 Galatianskjp10ptsm.doc             (4/22/24) 

49 Ephesiansjp10ptsm.doc           (4/23/24)  

50 Philippianskjp10ptsm.doc        (4/23/24)  

51 Colossianskjp10ptsm.doc       (5/2/24) 

52 I Thessalonianskjp10ptsm.doc     (2/4/21)  

53 II Thessalonianskjp10ptsm.doc   (8/21/23) 

54 I Timothykjp10ptsm.doc             (4/25/24) 

55 II Timothykjp10ptsm.doc            (8/3/19)  

56 Tituskjp10ptsm.doc                     (4/25/24)  

57 Philemonkjp10ptsm.doc               (5/2/24) 

58 Hebrewskjp10ptsm.doc    (9/4/23)  

59 Jameskjp10ptsm.doc        (8/7/20)  

60 I Peterkjp10ptsm.doc       (5/2/24) 

61 II Peterkjp10ptsm.doc      (1/14/22)  

62 I Johnkjp10ptsm.doc        (4/27/24)   

63 II Johnkjp10ptsm.doc       (2/25/21)   

64 III Johnkjp10ptsm.doc    (11/21/18)   

65 Judekjp10ptsm.doc         (8/7/20)  

66 Revelationkjpsm.doc       (5/1/24)   


Appendix A - Recorded Miracles in the Bible         Appendix E - Assurance for Believers  
Appendix B - Recorded Parables of Jesus              Appendix F - Holiness of Living {Evidences of Salvation} 
Appendix C - Genealogy of Jesus                           Appendix G - World Time Line of Biblical History   
Appendix D - How to Become a Christian              Appendix H - Does Isaiah 7:14 refer to a virgin? - Yes !! 
Appendix I - Examples of Missing Words and Verses of Scripture from Modern Translations  
Appendix JL - Bible Weights and Measures      {includes the following}   
     Appendix K: What Day of The Week Was Jesus Crucified?  {1/7/22}

     Appendix L: The Modern Jewish Calendar and Holy Days 

Appendix M:  How Long Was Israel In Egypt?

Appendix N:  Fulfilled Holy Days  - Appendix O: The Herods of Scripture

   Other Articles of Interest at 

Appendices A-O